Carl Hawkins

Carl Hawkins

Four Problems That Sciatica Could Signal

17 June 2024
Health & Medical , Blog

Sciatica is often associated with a sharp or burning pain that radiates from the lower back through the buttock and down one leg. While this debilitating discomfort is commonly attributed to a herniated disc, it can also signal other underlying health issues. Recognising these potential problems is crucial in ensuring effective treatment and management. Here's a short look at four conditions that sciatica may indicate. Spinal Stenosis Spinal stenosis refers to the narrowing of spaces within the spine, leading to nerve compression along the spine's pathway.
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When To See a Gastroenterologist

21 July 2023
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Gastroenterologists are doctors who specialise in the digestive system. Usually, you'll access their services following a GP referral. However, there may be times when you want to consult a gastro specialist yourself. Or, you might need to recognise when to flag certain symptoms with your GP. Knowing more about key warning signs can help you direct yourself toward an appropriate doctor. Persistent Pain Everyone experiences stomachaches from time to time. In many cases, they're transient and resolve on their own.
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Some simple self-care tips to help cope with stress

25 January 2023
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Self-care is a vital part of wellness. It has never been more important to take time out from the stresses of everyday life and look after your own mental health. Here are some tips to keep yourself functioning at your best. Exercise You don't need to hit the gym every time you get stressed. Just small amounts of exercise can work wonders. A quick ten-minute walk can soothe your mind, especially if you can get into a park or some other natural environment.
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When Is an Asbestos Audit Commonly Needed?

8 August 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

An asbestos audit, which is also commonly known as an asbestos inspection, is done to determine whether or not there is asbestos present in a structure. Then, it is determined just how prevalent asbestos is in the structure. You might not have had to worry as much, or at all, about asbestos in the past, but you could be wondering when asbestos audits are commonly needed. These are some of the times when a professional asbestos audit needs to be done.
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Considerations When Choosing A Medical Centre

21 March 2022
 Categories: Health & Medical , Blog

Medical centres are your first stop when you fall ill. A general practitioner (GP) treats you at the facility and assesses your condition to determine if you need specialised medical interventions. Your choice of medical centre plays a significant role in how your illness is managed. So how do you choose a medical centre? Below are some valuable insights.  Location Of The Medical Centre Accessibility is a critical factor when choosing a medical centre.
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About Me
How to Improve Your Health

If you are anything like me, you will do all you can to avoid having to maintain your health. When I was younger, I didn't have to anything to stay healthy. I thought it would always be this way. However, as I got older, I realised that I wasn't the case. I put on a lot of weight and I started to get pains in my knees. I went to see the doctor and he recommended that I change my diet and exercise. My doctor has been really helpful and he even helped me to solve my joint pain. I hope this blog encourages you to improve your health.
